Creating opportunities to maximise your impact
The Y in STRYDE4 represents your WHY. We’re here to AMPLIFY it!

to the charity
STRYDE4 will help Charities:
- Create stronger connections to their corporate partners.
- Engage employees at all levels of an organisation, building authentic and impactful relationships.
- Raise additional (unbudgeted) funds to enable vital projects.
- Deliver ongoing volunteering opportunities to the corporate sector.
- Create powerful content connecting the social impact your partners are achieving with you.
- Share important knowledge about your cause to existing and potential partners.
Oh!… And it’s more than likely we will also:
- Improve the health and wellbeing of your staff who take part in the STRYDE4 program.
- Create opportunities for you to become a charity partner with other fantastic organisations.
- Raise the awareness of your organisation and the good work you’re achieving.

The collective power of collaboration will deliver significant social impact.
We can support any of Australia's 50,000 charities
When you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion. You know it absolutely, without any doubt.
How we work together
To work in partnership with STRYDE4 to amplify the social impact and help our corporate communities to lead with purpose.
Account Management
- Nominate corporate partners to participate in the STRYDE4 program.
- Work in partnership to amplify your social impact and empower corporate communities to lead with purpose.
- Provide a key liaison to strategically support the program.
- Attend strategic partnership meetings.
- Monitor and provide fundraising updates.
Where the money goes
- Propose a High Impact Project that STRYDE4 and your community can get behind.
- Provide supporting materials and short form social media videos and quotes.
- Provide access to the key people behind these projects during the campaign.
Support your fundraisers with tips, tools and general support.
- Create charity marketing material as needed.
- Throughout the program there will be a variety of volunteering opportunities.
- Purpose workshops.
- Fundraising events.
- Corporate events.
- Support your community during the 6 week STRYDE4 training program leading up to STRYDE4 Events.
Social Media / Comms
- Develop quarterly highlights reel of engagement occasions.
- Provide social tags and guidelines.
- Share approved content.
Get in touch to see how we can support your organisation
Contact Us